Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Sister Nelson and I :)
 Our car ride to Pittsburgh.
 Well the snow came! Me making snow angels.

So this week we had transfers! Tuesday morning we had to drive down to Pittsburgh for a trainer/trainee meeting. After the training by our mission president informing us that if we didn't do a good job we could potentially ruin this persons life(no pressure), we had lunch, and then we found out our companions! My trainee is Sister Nelson!  
So your trainer is your mom, your trainee is your daughter.. It's like mission family history. My trainer was super happy about having some posterity. But I am a proud mama! sister Nelson is awesome! She definitely hit the ground running and jumped right into teaching and was able to invite someone to baptism in her first lesson! We had plans to invite 2 of our investigators to baptism this week and the training manual says the new missionary takes he lead in doing so, after I wouldn't let her our of it in the middle of both lessons she did it! She is so willing to try new things, it's great :)  
This past week there was a tragic accident involving 4 sister missionaries serving in my mission. Sister Sadie Wells passed away, and the other 3 sisters are injured, but on the road to recovery. Though I did not know Sister Wells very well, From the few times I did talk to her I know that she was truly an amazing sister, beautiful inside and out. I know that she is sharing the gospel with just as much diligence to those people on the other side! It has been extremely hard for many, please keep these sisters and their families, and any others struggling in your prayers!  
So yesterday during my personal study I was studying on the Atonement for gospel principles and as I was also thinking about the fact that it was Valentine's Day I realized that the Atonement truly is the greatest expression of love. Christ didn't have to do it, and I and nobody else is really worthy of it, but he did it out of love, because he wants all of us to return to our Heavenly Father. That is the love that I want to share with the people here in PA!  
Thank you for all of your love, support, and prayers! I am truly grateful for the Restored gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ!


  1. يقدم لكم توكيل وستنجهاوس فروع مراكز صيانة وايت وستنجهاوس المعتمدة في جميع محافظات مصر حتى تتمكنوا من الوصول الينا بسهولة للحصول على كافة خدمات صيانة وستنجهاوس بأمان تام على يد فريق متخصص من فنيين الصيانة


  2. تقوم مؤسسة افتكار التظليل بعمل جميع أشكال الكلادنق، بمختلف أنواعها ومناظرها الرائعة حيث يمكنها عمل كلادنقعلي واجهات المحلات، والمؤسسات، والشركات بأجود الخامات، وأروع الديكورات والألوان وبأقل التكاليف التي تناسب الجميع، ولا يقتصر عملها علي ذلك
    بل يمكنها أن تقوم ببناء وتشييد أجمل بيوت الشعر القديم والحديث والذي يتم عمله بأفضل المواد والخاما التي تتحمل حرارة الشمس والأمطار والأتربة ، وعمل أجمل المجالس، والديكورات الداخلية التي تشمل الباب، والشبابيك، ومداها بالكهرباء، وتحمل كافة الخدمات الممكنة بأرخص الأسعار
