Friday, April 9, 2010

More to my Randomness!

Sorry I didnt mean to forget you.... actually i really didnt! Brian's (my brothers) friend erased our favorites list! anyways i have two more blog makers that are WAY good katie Oliver and Jennifer Gray! Thanks for the Awsomeness! I just looked at your blogs today and realized they are AWSOME! Anyone with any ideas for me..... Throw them my way! :)


  1. Hey your blog is great! Keep posting! I like the pic of me ;)

  2. haha Thanks :) and you took it haha

  3. That's why I like it :)) haha jk! You should 'follow' me.

  4. Hey there, Jennifer here, I can't take the credit for the blog, Jarom does pretty much the whole thing, i just spell check every once in awhile. Your blog is looking good, just post more photos and you'll be good. :-)
