Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Its been a while!

yeah yeah i know it has been a REALLY long time since i have posted! but probably not many people even look on here so.... yeah well! so since my last post.....

I started school !:/ I am now in 10th grade! i feel like i am getting older so fast!

I am also going to be in a stake musical thing.... our stake is taking some musicals and we are going to sing/act out like 5ish songs from each of the musicals:) I am in les miserables and fiddler on the roof! In fiddler i am also one of the main characters! I am Chava she is the 3rd daughter of Tevye! I have solo practices on Thursdays and group practices on Saturdays! So far it has been pretty fun and it is probably going to be a GREAT performance! :) If you would like to come it is like the 5th and 6th of November :) My mom and Brian are also in it! I will be sure to keep everyone updated about Whats going on with that :)

Well that is just about all i have been doing.... +hanging out with friends, doing homework, sleeping, eating, that is how my life is rolling right now!

I will try harder to keep everyone updated! :)

OH i almost forgot! my brother Stephen brought over a thing so that i can get stuff from my phones memory card to the computer! but i cant see what the pictures are so i will figure out wich ones i want to put on and then i will put some on!!!!

1 comment:

  1. 'bout time Jessica. just kidding
    I excited to see you in the musical.
    Yup, you are surily growing up. Maybe I do have to line you up with my grandson Austin. No, I'm not going to embarrass you.
